East Coast Organic Vending has a simple solution that will help support our nation’s initiative to help get kids and adults back on track with healthy eating habits – and it starts with asking about our healthy snack vending machines! Most of parents and communities struggle with giving in to highly processed, convenience snacks and making healthier choices isn't always easy in our fast food paced world. To help us overcome these challenges, we are on a mission to foster healthy vending programs throughout America. Through our national vending initiative, we strive to educate children and adults about the availability of more nutritious food and beverage opportunities. Our healthy green, inviting vending machines encourage children and adults to choose snacks that are wholesome and packed with vitamins and nutrients. We welcome you to join us in our cause by establishing a healthy vending program in your area!

Our Products

Pirate’s Booty

Pirate's Booty

Lucy’s Cookies

Lucy’s Cookies

Pop Chips

Pop Chips


ICE Sparking Water

Sun Chips

Sun Chips

Annie’s Fruit Snacks

Annie’s Fruit Snacks

Clif Bars

Clif Bars